‘Brian Wansink is a rare combination – an innovative scientist with a sense of humour and a very creative approach to the science of eating. I urge you to read his remarkable book.’ MIKE HUCKABEE, US SENATOR ‘Brain Wansink is the Sherlock Holmes of food . . . We would each do well to be mindful of what he recommends.’ KELLY D. BROWNELL phD, YALE UNIVERSITY Carefully conducted studies over many years show the same thing: that our eating habits are almost entirely unconscious, and can be influenced by hundreds of outside factors. In fact, every one of us makes over 200 decisions about eating every day, and of those 90 per cent are made without any conscious decision. By gaining knowledge of your eating habits, Dr Wansink demonstrates that it is entirely possible to lose a stone in weight. No crash diets, no frustrating calorie counting, and no starving yourself: just a simple awareness of what you eat. While detailing his simple and fascinating studies, Dr Wansink explains: * *how people don’t eat calories, they eat volume *how we are manipulated by brand, appearance and parental habits more thatn price and our choices *what your favourite comfort food says about you. With an insightful, incredible exploration into our habits, and what makes us eat the way we eat, Dr Wansink demonstrates that it’s not what we eat – it’s how we eat it.
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