Processed or junk foods help us to save a lot of time and money. However, at the same time, they are greatly damaging to our body in the long run! The accumulation of toxins in our body can lead to serious health problems including memory loss, problems with our central nervous system, increased risk of cancer and so on. But more importantly, junk foods can lead to obesity! This is a killer disease in the USA right now. The Clean Eating Diet stands as a very potent solution to these problem, helping the body to cleanse itself of the toxins by providing the body with a diet that fully eliminates any and every form of processed foods. This book has been designed to give you a complete breakdown of the concepts of the Weight, Clean Eating Diet and Meal Prep. Due to its easy nature, anyone can pick up this book and jump into the world of the Clean Eating! You will know following essential knowledge: 1. The core concept of Body Weight 2. Common causes of obesity 3. How to prevent weight gain 4. Awesome tips to prevent overweight 5. How to identify processed foods 6. The disadvantages of processed foods 7. Benefits of the Clean Eating Diet 8. Tips for the Clean Eating diet 9. Suitable foods for Clean Eating 10. Awesome meal prep ideas 11. Must-have utensils for Meal Prep 12. 89 Quick and Easy Delicious Recipes 13. More and more… All the information is broken down into small bite-sized sections for you to easily absorb. The 89 easy-to-make recipes in this book are carefully crafted to help you prepare yourself for a clean journey. All the recipes are well chosen and proven to be healthy. All you need to do is shop all the ingredients in local market and make these delicious recipes by just following the step by step procedure! Best Wishes to you!
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